Pastor Clifton & Michelle Textor were married in 1992. They have been in the ministry for over 30 years and hold ministerial license through the United Pentecostal Church International.
Their passion is to teach and encourage people to love Jesus Christ, follow His call on their life, and love one another. All the while separating themselves from sin and ungodly living.
Bishop Jim & Linda Blanchard have been married since 1979. They pastored for decades and both share a passion and burden to reach their community through the love and gospel of Jesus Christ.
Through their mentorship and ministry many have solidified their faith and deepened their love for Jesus Christ.
Pastor Ramon & Holly Martinez have a love and passion for all people. They are open doors of love and compassion for the Hispanic and English-Speaking Communities.
They have seen God do the miraculous in their own lives. You will be blessed by their ministry and inspired to draw closer to Jesus Christ.